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Title: Perioperative multimodal analgesia for adults undergoing surgery of the spine - a systematic review and meta-analysis of three or more modalities.
Epworth Authors: Licina, Ana
Silvers, Andrew
Keywords: Multimodal Analgesia
Pain Management
Perioperative Period
Spinal Surgery
Maximal Analgesia Agents
Critical Care Clinical Institute, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Conference Name: Epworth HealthCare Research Month 2022
Conference Location: Epworth Research Institute, Victoria, Australia
Abstract: Multimodal analgesia is a strategy that can be used to improve pain management in the perioperative period for patients undergoing surgery of the spine. However, no review evidence is available on the quantitative models of multimodal analgesia within this clinical setting. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the effects of maximal ( ⩾ 3 analgesic agents) multimodal analgesic medication for patients undergoing surgery of the spine.
Type: Conference Poster
Affiliated Organisations: Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria
Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Systematic Review and Meta Analysis
Appears in Collections:Research Week

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