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Title: In-hospital delirium: Prevalence and risk factors.
Epworth Authors: McKenzie, Dean
Yuen, Katrina
Chorley, Tracy
Keywords: Delirium
Risk Factors
Older Patients
Length of Stay
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Conference Name: Epworth HealthCare Research Month 2023
Conference Location: Epworth Research Institute, Victoria, Australia
Abstract: AIMS:To describe the prevalence of in-hospital delirium over a 5-year period (2018-2022), spanning the COVID period. Explore possible risk factors in order to improve early delirium detection, treatment and prevention. Conclusion: Older patients and patients with a longer length of stay in hospital tend to have a higher probability of delirium. Whilst there may be a potential connection between the incidence of delirium in older patients and increased length of stay, it does not imply that delirium was the cause. Improving time-stamped data capture would be beneficial to draw meaningful conclusions about cause and effect.
Type: Conference Poster
Affiliated Organisations: Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Retrospective data analysis
Appears in Collections:Research Week

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