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Title: Diagnosis using the nail bed and hyponychium.
Epworth Authors: Eshini, Perera
Sinclair, Rodney
Keywords: Glomus Tumor
Nail Bed
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Subungual Tumors
Subungual Hyperkeratosis
Ventral Pterygium
Chair of Dermatology, Epworth HealthCare
Head & Neck Clinical Institute, Epworth HealthCare
Issue Date: Apr-2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Dermatol Clin. 2015 Apr;33(2):257-63
Abstract: Nails protect the fingertips and toes. Diseases affecting the nail can cause cosmetic disfigurement and social embarrassment. Physical functioning may be impaired. Disorders of the nail bed may cause pain or create difficulty grasping fine objects. The nail bed is the area beneath the nail plate between the lunula and the hyponychium. Disorders of the nail bed can cause onycholysis, subungual hyperkeratosis, and/or onychogryphosis. Ventral pterygium is less common. Tumors of the nail bed are rare and commonly missed.
DOI: 10.1016/j.det.2014.12.006
PubMed URL:
ISSN: 0733-8635
Journal Title: Dermatologic Clinics
Type: Journal Article
Affiliated Organisations: Department of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria
Appears in Collections:Cancer Services
Head & Neck

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