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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 90 of 90
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-01Nonmelanoma skin cancer in AustraliaSinclair, Rodney 
2015-07Prospective study of barriers to discharge from a spinal cord injury rehabilitation unit.New, Peter 
2015-02Unreported clinical deterioration in emergency department patients: a point prevalence study.Botti, Mari; Scott, Belinda; Considine, Julie 
2013-05A review of existing count practice in the operating suite to achieve best practice and safe patient care.Thomas, Jane; Adcock, Fiona 
2014-07Engaging responsibly with social media: the BJUI guidelines.Murphy, Declan; Loeb, Stacy; Basto, Marni; Challacombe, Benjamin; Trinh, Quoc-Dien; Leveridge, Mike; Morgan, Todd; Dasgupta, Prokar; Bultitude, Matthew 
2014-08Cost for the treatment of actinic keratosis on the rise in Australia.Perera, Eshini; McGuigan, Sean; Sinclair, Rodney 
2014-09Applications of the EMR: Utilising the data available.Do, Andrew; Fenton, Paul 
2013-09Reducing the length of stay for acute hospital patients needing admission into inpatient rehabilitation: a multicentre study of process barriers.New, Peter; Olver, John; Andrianopoulos, Nick; Cameron, Peter; Stoelwinder, Johannes 
2013-05Error rates in a clinical data repository: lessons from the transition to electronic data transfer--a descriptive study.Hong, Matthew; Yao, Henry; Peters, Justin; Costello, Anthony; Murphy, Declan; Hovens, Christopher; Corcoran, Niall; Pedersen, John 
2012-09Reported medication errors after introducing an electronic medication management system.Botti, Mari; Redley, Bernice 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 90 of 90